Many so-called ecommerce experts claim that businesses do not need a social media expert, especially smaller businesses due to the fact that any average internet user should be able to handle their own social media marketing. While it is true that just about anyone can handle updating a status message, it is not the actual task that is important, but instead the process of the task that is vital. Therefore, if you do not know the best message to place in the box you will waste your time.
However, social media experts do know what goes into the box which is what makes the difference. Of course, a great deal of the gossip around the web is that it is the social media experts that are actually one-dimensional and thus unneeded.
This would be easier to believe if social geeks did not help design networks that completely change the way that the web is utilized. If you can accept the fact that social geeks helped change the virtual environment, then it is not so hard to see that social geeks can also change the way that you effectively market your business.
Finally, you have the last argument that has been gaining ground on the website that social media expert are more like traffic planners then they are actually marketers. However, this argument can be quickly proven wrong by taking a close look at what social media experts do. This is because while they may help increase website traffic, this is purely by coincidence since the increased traffic comes as a result of the many other positive contributions that they make to your business, popularity, and overall sales and profits.
To start with, it is important to realize that proper social media expertise involves knowing a bit of marketing, customer service, product, and engineering all at once as the job pertains to such diverse tasks as knowing the lingo of social platforms to crafting lifecycle tools to completing analytics packages to converting customers and driving up sales.
With this in mind, the average social media expert has to know at least three or four different job fields and apply them to complete their own job. Therefore, it is hard to comprehend how one can say that they are one-dimensional, because their jobs require an immense amount of knowledge application and knowledge sharing activities that reach far beyond one dimension.
Far beyond this fact, the average social media excerpt also has to be able to work with various platforms, understand the psychology of online browsers and social media participants, be creative enough to create social media messages and graphics that will be engaging, analyze browsing activity and social media activities, utilize all of the latest social media tools, and at the end of the day be able to combine all of the above into a task that can be completed in a time efficient manner to bring success to the website owner that hired them. Once again, for a one dimensional job there sure are a lot of facets that go into creating an end result that works.
While people are busy questioning what the real value of a social media expert is, perhaps those who feel that there is no value should be questioning why they did not have a better experience with the so-called expert they hired. The problem it seems is not that social media experts do not play a vital role in e-commerce, but instead the fact that there are many people who are willing to take on this title without the proper qualifications.
You may have been willing to take on this title within your business before reading the list of above tasks and realizing that you are in way over your head. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for and if you are not hiring the real experts, likely you too will believe that social media is not important or a professional type of job. However, if you take a step back to consider what goes into the job, it will be easier to find a professional worth their weight in gold, and find the results that everyone is talking about instead of the results that everyone is dishing.