Alexa Internet, Inc. is a part of Alexa, founded in 1996, is popular for its site and its tool bar. Once you have installed the tool bar, it will collect data on your browsing behavior and it will transit this to the Alexa website for analysis and storage. According to Alexa, 6 million people visit the website every month.
Having a good ranking is important because it means more hits. Webmasters and advertisers also use the ranking to determine the worth of a website. There are Text-Link-Ads and pay-per-post companies like ReviewMe that determine what they will pay depending on the Alexa ranking of your blog.
It is important to know how Alexa ranking works if you want to increase Alexa ranking. The ranking depends on the number of internet users who visit your website. A top-ranked site such as Yahoo! has a ranking of 1 or 2 while a site that is not popular could have a rank of up to 5,000,000. If you want to increase Alexa ranking, it is important to know the new Alexa ranking system. By using more data sources that are beyond the Alexa toolbar, Alexa determines the ranking.
You should have the Alexa toolbar and set your website or Blog as your homepage to increase Alexa ranking. You should use the Alexa toolbar every day to visit your site. Alexa Internet, Inc. has made it possible for you to co-brand the toolbar with your logo.
Use the Alexa redirection as often as possible to increase Alexa ranking. Use the equivalent Alexa redirect URL wherever you have a website. Simply use the link’
You could increase Alexa ranking by encouraging visitors to your website to add positive testimonials of your site on the Alexa detailed listings page. You could do this by placing a link to the Alexa page you want to redirect people to on your site or blog, then directing Web visitors to ‘Click here to rate this site/blog’.
Another way to increase Alexa ranking is writing your site’s reviews on the top 100 rated Alexa websites and include the redirect URL (included above) on the review.
You may download such traffic counters as the Alexa ranking button, the traffic history graph and info links onto the Web page with the most Web traffic to increase Alexa ranking. Note that search engine results have some relationship with Alexa rankings. For this reason, you should have a cheap ad out on ExactSeek’s search directory. This is another way to increase Alexa ranking on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing amongst other major search engines as well as getting free in DMOZ. You should be patient with this option since results will not come before at least 5 months.