If you are really serious about getting some valuable one way back links for your website through article marketing, make sure that you have quite a few articles published at ezinearticles.com. This is one of the most reputed online article directories that is known to be a great place for promoting a business. Having your articles published over there can be quite beneficial as far as communicating with your target market is concerned.
However, once you start submitting your articles at ezinearticles.com, you will learn a very valuable lesson within a week. That is- getting articles published over there is not that easy all the time. Why? Because they have a strict editorial board that really takes things quite seriously when it comes to reviewing and approving articles.
Now spending hours to write an article for Ezine only to know that it was not good enough to be published over there can be quite frustrating isn’t it? Well here I am going to give you some basic tips which should help you to avoid some common mistakes that people often make when it comes to submitting articles at ezinearticles.com.
1. Proof read your article multiple times -:
Never submit an article to Ezine Articles without proof reading the content at least twice. Make sure that the article has no spelling or grammatical mistake. Furthermore, be very careful about punctuation and sentence structure. Ezine editors are really sensitive about these issues. So make sure that your article is free of spelling and grammatical errors and try to use very simple sentence structure so that your article looks reader friendly.
2. Keep the promise that you made in your title -:
The title of your article is really important as far as Ezine is taken under consideration. Discuss those issues in your article body that you have mentioned in the title. If your article title says- “5 Useful tips to maintain your iPhone properly”, make sure that you are providing 5 useful tips to your readers in your article. Stick with the topic. Ezine might reject your article if they consider- “your article didn’t keep the promise that was made in the title”.
3. Never promote your business in the main body -:
Often people get their articles rejected by Ezine because of trying to promote their business or service in the main article body. Don’t do that, otherwise you will also find your article being tagged as “problematic”. It is the resource box or author bio that you need to utilize to promote your website. Just provide some useful information in your main article body which is relevant to your business. Give your readers something over there which might get them curious and maybe they will click on your link at the bottom of the article if they are thirsty to know more.
Now, if you think you are really struggling to get yourself published, then the good news is there are professional article writers available out there who offers their expertise to write and publish articles at ezinearticles.com. So you can hire an expert writer to get the job done.