When you are constructing your business website, you might be wondering why the first navigation tab on your website is not titled the “home” page. I would like to explain this mentality with this article.
When you are indexing a website the search engines views a website’s navigation link to figure out what an individual page is about primarily establishing a theme for that particular web page. On most websites, the first link, which can be found on the index page, is typically a link called “home”. The first link is thought to be a very important link on your website which literally informs the search engines that that particular page is about “home”.
You should name your home page after your primary key phrases and keywords. You should show care in giving the allocation of your first link on your website’s home page. Display vigilance with ensuring that no other links appear above the navigation structure. Sometimes the links can be added to your logo header which sits above the navigation structure on a website. These links can possibly cause problems with your search engine rankings and should be avoided at all costs.
After you have decided on an appropriate name for the first link on your website’s navigation structure, you will need to order the links in your navigation structure in the order of importance they represent. If you are utilizing horizontal navigation then the priority should be top to bottom and if you are utilizing vertical navigation the order should be left to right in order of importance.
The term importance is meant to show which web pages you want to rank higher within the search engine results. The “Terms and Conditions” are very important but you do not need to be concerned about their rankings within the search engines.