You may think that you have Facebook figured out as a social maverick with a full fan page and a campaign that highlights all of the products that you offer on your website. Sure, these simple steps can help you start to publicize your website, but what you may not know is that there are dozens of other ways to market your products to the 500 million users that use Facebook on a regular basis.
Here are just three of the hidden Facebook marketing techniques that you may not be aware of that can help you see instant results for your social media campaign. Try out a few of the below and you may just start to see what the entire Facebook buzz really is about and why it really is one of the best social media platforms out there.
Comments -:
Likely, you already know that you can comment on posts using the Facebook comment feature, but you may not know about the fact that you can put Facebook comments on your website as well. This feature is almost like social comments, because what it does is allow comments that users make your website to show up on your fan page and their own Facebook wall. Thus, you get double or sometimes even triple exposure with every comment that lands on your business page instead of just some simple feedback.
This is easier to see if you apply it by taking the point of view of a consumer who has left a comment. Anne leaves a comment on a shoe website, and instantly on her wall there is the comment along with a link to the website. On the shoe website is her comment as well helping to build feedback. And finally, the same link pops up in friend’s feeds of the business and Anne’s feed so that the link and comment is spread to an unlimited amount of people. This is pretty decent exposure for one simple comment on a webpage.
Insights -:
Everyone has some type of insight for a fan page, but Facebook has their own that helps you to get quick information on everything that is circulating about your business on their social platform allowing you to quickly figure out some very pertinent business facts without performing extensive and time consuming customer research on your own.
By using the Facebook Insights for Domains tool you will gain access to how much and which content people are sharing most from your website, how many likes your page has gotten, the average demographics of your users and fans, and plenty of additional information that can help you build perfect marketing campaigns in the future.
Even better, the insights feature is easy to make use of if you know where to look and all of the above information can be within your fingertips in just a few seconds. Simply head to and choose the green button in the right corner at the top of your screen. You will get a pop box where you can enter you domain and metatags after which you can see just about anything you want from organic shares to likes to comments. It truly is one nifty tool that saves you countless hours of browsing on your own to collect the same information.
Facepile -:
Last but not least is the Facebook tool FAcepile which takes advantage of principles of word of mouth campaigning without waiting for actual consumers to do the word of mouth campaigning since you are doing it for them. Facepile is the plug-in feature that shows photos of people who like a particular website that a browser happens to be on.
However, if you plug it into your website and take it a step further by making use of it on conversion pages, then when browsers come to your website they will automatically see which one of their friends already like your website. In other words, you let them see that you have something worth their while to check out because their friends have already given it the virtual thumbs up. That is one pretty solid recommendation and one that will likely result in you gaining at least one more like if not a fan.